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Thursday, August 29, 2024

steven dux

 scanned the stock for the trade  

So every morning anytime between eight and 930

 I was under 10 and which is over 70% or 100%

 I will find the stock price over 70% that will look at the stock price.

 At that time. It wasn’t very careful with the stock price itself, so I was about Around 1$. I don’t really realise that I’m different about is the price is the more it is and that’s wrong because 

when you are looking at a $5 stock sometimes and the flow is around

 it said 300 K or 500 K stocks can jump around 20-30% in one candle and that can be equal or more compared to the stock is around $.50 it’s all down 

the floor and how much demand for the stock at that time so never look at stock prices and try to decide how much money into. 

It’s always always on the volume and float so that’s number one mistake,

 I made when was a beginner I was made a big Mistake

 I usually made is when I trade about 5 to $7

 I’m losing around $.40 $.50 and if I’m trading that type of stock for while you have to develop your habit and you are so used to that $.40-$.50 risk in your head soon as you go back and trade that one dollar two dollar or even one then not forty to fifty cents can you equal fifty percent of your risk so fifty cents is about ten percent risk by fifty cents for $.50 stock is about hundred percent, so that’s  Different. They’re not aware of the stock price of the risk amount so that will be the two saints, you should be able to notice your treat and it’s important for beginners very easy mistakes to make so that will be my two most important my own beginner mistakes. I don’t know if you guys are having some more troubles with different management so I will be covering risk management for the next section of this video, but if you have any questions other than risk management and you have trouble to go through as dinner, make sure below I will be there to respond to you and find us a solution for you  so text management. It is also very important for beginners as well as I talked about $.50 for $5.50 for $.50 stocks is a risk management so that mistakes tend to try to shrink my criteria so

I will try to look for stocks around 3 to 10 because I don’t really like stocks under three so I’m doing with $.50 on $5.50 on $3 it’s much easier to calculate and when the trades come in really really fast, I can still be able to follow the trade and reading the level and calculating my risk in my head, but if I’m jumping from $5 to$.50 and also delays my entry time, so that will be something that I don’t really like about and I  Stopped trading stock under three for the last 2 to 3 years and my my much cleaner I’m not trading 100 shares and $300 shares because when the stock is low priced and you have to trade a lot of shares to make some type of profit and some of the brokerage she just charge way too much fees altogether. So for beginners not ready recommended. I would like to stay anywhere between $3 above so that will be my personal suggestions for how to scan in terms of price range and talk about how to scan for upper  or two years when you are looking at it to see that some of stock can go over $10 on one day so let’s say we have 2 and in the next morning you get over to 15 so he was up 700%, and as I said, people don’t really trade stock, because it doesn’t really consider as stock no more avoid that pattern that actually creates range I mean by that because the one from 2 to $15 increase about 700% range for you to shorten, and if the initial cap is really low Why if the monkey caps under 100 million and is viable to trade if the stock goes over in 10 so think about this way if the stock is starting around $2 and the cab is under 100 pretty much all company lens industry, 99% of garbage company which has a really bad fundamentals pretty much all voluntary was created on the stocks will eventually go to 0 when you are looking at in terms of stock you have to look at in terms of initial market branch which that’s not very much beginner tend to look at Branch if it stays under 100 million no matter how far is spikes to $20-$30. It is still garbage stocks and you will still go back to 0. This is one that said my scanner from 2 to $50 is to scan for stocks that have some type of exceptions that can go from 2 to 21 day and especially in premarket so those are I used to scam for stocks there’s a couple recommendations  Let me just put them all together first one will be under three and also Voice tax OTC market and if you’re good with your executions and confident with it, you can do it, but for most of the beginners you can’t really catch the top it’s really difficult to get your execution so that be something that I personally experienced and also if the initial recap starts under 100 million and goes over 10, it is still consider as a pending  Land industry, including all that method, I’ll be all my method for my current scanners for now and I also talked about other behind it so if you have any opinions please and thank you for watching this video next time 

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